Water and Bowen Therapy or massage

Water and Bowen Therapy or massage

  • Posted by Andrea
  • On January 24, 2013

Why is water so important?

Over 70% of our body weight is made up of water.  Water carries nutrients to where they are needed, it helps regulate our body temperature, it lubricates and cushions our organs, it aids in digestion and flushes toxins from our body.  Even our blood is made up of 90% water!

Water cannot be stored by the body so it is important that we regularly drink plenty of fresh water.  Even if we lead sedentary lifestyles our body loses a lot of water just from normal body functions.  If we are active our bodies need more water to function properly.

Why is water important before and after Bowen therapy or massage then?   Have you ever had a glass of water and dipped your finger in it just a tiny bit? Even the slightest touch will cause a ripple.  It is a bit like that with Bowen therapy and massage.  Every move will send vibrations deeper into your body, and the more hydrated you are, the better your body will respond to the treatment.

After a treatment your body will release toxins, and it important to drink lots of water so that these can effectively be flushed from your system.  Don’t worry, if you don’t believe this you are not the only one.  Several of my clients have put this to the test only to find that they had hangover-like symptoms for the next few days because of the lack of water.  Lesson learned.

So when you next come to a Bowen therapy or massage appointment and want to get the most out of it, make sure your body is well hydrated.