Bowen Therapy V. Manipulative Therapies

Bowen Therapy V. Manipulative Therapies

  • Posted by Andrea
  • On February 1, 2013


Bowen Therapy V. Manipulative Therapies


Bowen Therapy is a hands-on NON MANIPULATIVE therapy.


As Bowen Therapy is non manipulative and non-invasive, it is gentle enough to be used on babies and the elderly.  It works on soft tissue .

A Bowen Practitioner rolls thumbs and fingers over muscle and connective tissue with very gentle pressure.  A series of moves is followed by a series of breaks during which the body is allowed to respond and begin the process of self-healing.

Bowen Therapy can be used on chronic and fresh injuries where other therapies are not appropriate.

Eg, if there is increased inflammation and swelling after an injury around the joint, Bowen therapy can assist in normalising blood and lymph flow, reducing inflammation and thereby improve joint function. No manual therapy is indicated during this important and sensitive healing time, other than Bowen therapy due to it’s self-healing and gentle treatment.

Bowen therapy is performed when the body’s system is in a relaxed state, making the body more receptive to the healing process.


v. Manipulative Therapies

There is a long list of contraindications to the various manipulative therapy approaches. In particular, there is a suggestion that neck manipulation can lead to stroke and even death in some rare situations. Also, strong manipulation to weak bone or tissue can have an adverse effect.

Manipulative Therapies can often be painful, putting the body’s systems in a flight and fight state, which makes the body non-receptive to the healing process.