Bowen Therapy and conception
- Posted by Andrea
- On March 22, 2013
Bowen Therapy has a surprisingly high success rate in fertility treatment (The Guardian August 2001). Infertile couples undergoing Bowen Therapy have had remarkable success and report on the fast and effective results of this technique in treating infertility.
Bowen can be used to treat infertility by:
- Inducing deep muscular relaxation – mental and emotional stress can cause muscles to tighten and restrict the natural blood-flow, lymphatic drainage and nerve supply of the body, all of which can affect fertility. Relaxation of muscles aids the natural flow of processes necessary for ovulation, conception and a healthy pregnancy
- Applying a particular system of moves that addresses the endocrine (hormonal) system and pelvic area. These moves can have a positive effect on both male and female reproductive systems, working on functional problems such as low sperm count, infrequent ovulation, ovarian cysts and endometriosis as well as other conditions leading to infertility.
- Relaxing the mind – fertility problems are not always physical and both the autonomic nervous and endocrine systems are influenced by the mind. As the Bowen technique is powerful in relaxing the mind, it enhances confidence and positive thinking which, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the health of the physical body.
Bowen and IVF
Bowen Therapy also works with couples using IVF and other assisted conception techniques. IVF can be physically, mentally and emotionally stressful. The gentle moves of Bowen Therapy can aid in relaxing and rebalancing the body and mind, resulting in increased physical, emotional and psychological health and well-being. The effect of Bowen on the musculoskeletal structure, blood-flow, nerve supply and autonomic and endocrine (hormonal) systems can prepare the body for successful IVF treatment and a healthy pregnancy.