Never had a massage and feeling a bit anxious?

  • Posted by Andrea
  • On March 18, 2015

So you’ve never had a massage and are feeling a bit anxious?

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your massage.

Before your massage. To hydrate your body make sure you drink plenty of  water before your massage. It is also a good idea to arrive with an empty bladder or to go to the toilet before a massage as you don’t suddenly want to get distracted by a full bladder halfway through a massage.

Arrive on time.  This will ensure you get the maximum time out of your massage as the therapist will not run over time.  If you are late this cuts down your time but you may still get charged for your booked time.  Allow a few minutes extra if you are a new client so you can fill in any forms before your massage.   Once the type of massage has been decided upon, you will need a few minutes to get yourself ready.

Turn off your phone. There is nothing more distracting than having your phone ring during a massage.  You will not be able to fully relax.

Speak your mind. The therapist will guide you as to the type of treatment most beneficial for you, but please speak up about your needs.  This is YOUR time so if you don’t like the music, if you are too cold or too hot, or the pressure is too firm or not firm enough, you need to let your therapist know.

What clothes to take off.  Massage is best performed on skin. Clothes will limit the therapists ability to access areas that may require treatment. Reputable therapists in Australia will require you to leave on your underpants during a massage. Professional draping will be used at all times where only the areas that are being massaged at the time will be uncovered and all other areas will be covered.  

Body issues. Your therapist is fully trained and sensitive to any body issues you may have.  You will not be judged on your shape, colour, amount of hair, scars, skin condition, injuries, disabilities, tattoos  etc.  

To talk or not to talk. You can talk as much or as little as you like during a massage, but you may just want to lie quietly to fully enjoy the benefits of your massage.  Generally your therapist will not talk much during the massage except to get occasional feedback as to the pressure used and making sure you are comfortable.  

After the massage.  Unless you require assistance, your therapist will leave the room and wait just outside the door after the massage, allowing you time to get off the table and to get dressed in private.  Most people feel a bit light-headed after a massage so it’s important to get up slowly.  Your therapist will generally offer you a glass of water for refreshment.

Still feeling anxious. If you still have any question please feel free to discuss these with your massage therapist who is fully trained and will be only too happy to answer them for you.  Call Andrea now on 0413 620 320 to book that massage and put your mind and body at ease.  
