Medical Massage
Wikipedia says a medical massage is an “outcome focussed massage treatment”.
That’s an interesting definition, because all forms of massage ultimately have an outcome. If the massage provides some valuable de-stressing, or a remedial massage helps resolve a muscular discomfort or a lymphatic massage helps ease lymphatic swelling and pain – these are all massage outcomes.
Medical massage of course is the formal description used by the medical professionals to describe massages that provide a treatment rather than for relaxation.
Do you need a Doctors referral for a medical massage?
Any person is eligible to receive a medical massage and in fact referrals by a health practitioner are not always necessary.
There are situations when its important to let your massage therapist know about any medical conditions, for example if you are:
- Undergoing cancer treatment
We offer a specialist oncology massage treatment - Pregnant
- Have wounds or are sun burnt
- Have a contagious skin condition (boils, warts, or herpes)
- Circulatory system issues
- Digestive system issues
- Edema
We offer a specialist lymphatic massage - Endocrine system issues
- Musculoskeletal system conditions
- Lymph/immune system issues
- Nervous system conditions
- Respiratory system issues
Where is a medical massage performed?
We can adapt our massage treatments to each patient’s specific needs.
Massage can reduce relief from physical and emotional symptoms and help improve quality of life. Even in palliative care situations massage can provide comfort. It is important to discuss your medical history with your therapist as the therapist can make any adjustments to ensure the massage is safe and comfortable for you.