Remedial Massage Near Me

Need a remedial massage therapist now and near you? If you are near Blackwood/Bellevue Heights then call Andrea or Jeremy on 0413 620 320
We will book you in for an appointment and get your issues sorted promptly – there’s no need to suffer.

Andrea and Jeremy are respected and highly qualified remedial massage therapists with a great reputation for helping their clients by easing their pain and improving their flexibility through remedial massage .

Claim your remedial massage on your health fund

Andrea and Jeremy are registered with all Health Funds, and if a member, you may be eligible for a rebate on our remedial massage treatment. With a HICaps machine in our Bellevue Heights clinic you can instantly claim from your health fund and simply pay the balance. The same HiCaps machine can also be used to pay your account on your credit card.

Massage Nearby

Even if you aren’t in pain, and are just looking to de-stress from your busy life with a relaxation massage, Andrea and Jeremy can also help you to.
So if you need a remedial massage near you and you are in the Adelaide Hills near Blackwood and Bellevue Heights, give Andrea and Jeremy a call.