Lymphoedema Therapy

Lymphoedema therapy

Understanding Lymphoedema: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Discover the ins and outs of Lymphoedema , an ailment characterised by the accumulation of excessive protein-rich fluids in tissue spaces. While this condition can manifest anywhere in the body, it predominantly affects the limbs, causing inconvenience and, at times, pain.

Unraveling the Causes of Lymphoedema: Explore the origins of Lymphoedema, which can either be inherited or triggered by damage to lymphatic vessels or nodes. Often, this damage results from cancer treatments like lymph node dissection, surgery, or radiation therapy. The onset of the condition can be immediate or delayed, appearing months or even years after lymphatic system damage occurs.

Effective Lymphoedema Treatment Approaches:

Delve into the various treatment modalities for Lymphoedema, all centered around promoting the flow of lymphatic fluids throughout the body. These methods include manual compression (pumps), lymphatic drainage massage, compression garments or bandaging, and exercise, as well as skincare and nutrition, which has proven beneficial in reducing oedema. Explore the potential of low-level laser treatment as a valuable component of lymphoedema therapy.

Tailored Solutions for Individualised Care:

Discover how each Lymphoedema treatment is uniquely crafted to suit individual needs. Whether employing manual compression, massage, compression garments, or a combination of these methods, our approach is personalised to address the specific requirements of each patient.

For more information on Lymphoedema, refer to reputable sources like the Australasian Lymphology Association.